Monsieur Winner

MS D365FO || Monsieur D365FO


Some of the information that you entered is not valid. You must enter valid information before you can continue.

After creating a new form; it was time to test and I started getting errors here and there. :(.

This error comes up when I try to save the record. To debug the issue, I went straight to the insert() method on the custom table. Here is what I found. There is a division operation between field A and field B. Technically I was trying to divide 0 by a number. So to get it resolved, I inserted an if conditional statement….

Komi Siabi

Komi Siabi is a Bilingual D365FO Solution architect who loves sharing his knowledge as he works on Both Francophone and Anglophone projects around the globe. He enjoys doing some tiktok videos in his leisure time.

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