Monsieur Winner

MS D365FO || Monsieur D365FO


Path: [dynamics://View/RetailSalesTableChannelAttributeView]:Enum type ‘RetailChannelAttributeModifier’ for the field ‘Modifier’ is not found.

In D365FO development, models are group of elements(objects) in form of xml files which developers work on to suit a process on the user interface.

Every customization must be done in custom models. A custom model must reference Microsoft model(s) at least the ApplicationSuite.

Sometimes, we get errors when we use element that belong to standard model which are not referenced.

But, I came across this strange error Enum type ‘RetailChannelAttributeModifier’ for the field ‘Modifier’ is not found. Even though, I am not using element from the retail model.


To resolve this issue, I have to simply reference Retail model and Voila.

Komi Siabi

Komi Siabi is a Bilingual D365FO Solution architect who loves sharing his knowledge as he works on Both Francophone and Anglophone projects around the globe. He enjoys doing some tiktok videos in his leisure time.

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