How to find table and field names on a form in D365FO
Hello There!
Today, let’s discuss :
How to find table and field names on a form in D365FO.
Business scenario.
Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is built around a single database that contains tables and fields. These fields and tables represents objects. We have names for these objects on the database. A developer can get these name using the development tool: Visual studio. These fields in contrast are displayed to user via labels. Having said that, labels are in mos cases different from the field names on the database.
As a consultants, users, there are instances where we need to get the name of fields without having to login into Visual studio. These fields names can be useful when importing data through the data management workspace or when setting up placeholders in workflow editors in D365FO.
Solution approach.
The good news is we can locate name of fields, tables, forms even some menu items right from the D365FO interface.
Let’s take the Global address book form as an example. As part of the fields, we have a fields labelled Party ID. To get the field name, we right click on the field then click on the form name as shown below.
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Very informative blog article.Much thanks again. Cool.