Monsieur Winner

MS D365FO || Monsieur D365FO


Rollback failed -Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations On premises.

As part of the Dynamics 365fo on-premises architecture, we have the Environment Orchestrator which enables on-premises environment management from LCS. We can consequently monitor our deployments in the OrchestratorData database via SQL management studio.

There are 5 steps for on-premises, whether you are deploying a package, an instance, or an ISV solution:

Step 1: Downloading the artifact from LCS and cleaning up services

Step 2: Extracting the artifacts from LCS

Step 3: Executing the pre-deployment scripts

Step 4: Deploying services

Step 5: Executing the post-deployment scripts


Now, I am stuck. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh 🙁 .

There are times when a package deployment fails on LCS. Let’s say, we found out the issue, and we want to reapply a new package. We discover that Abort/retry also fails. It can be quite frustrating when rollback keeps failing.

What to do ? 

To resolve this, and have the environment status back tot deployed, we will try to update it status to the last successful package application.

Run the following command to get the JobID and TaskID of the last successful run.

select * from OrchestratorJob order by LastProcessedDateTime desc
select * from RunBookTask order by StartDateTime desc

Execute both script at a time in SSMS


There is light at the end of the Tunnel? 

Now, let’s run the following script and wait few minutes for the success mail from LCS. Your environment page on LCS becomes a clean slate with no error.

update OrchestratorJob set State = 1 where JobId = ‘xxxxxxxxxxx’update RunBookTask set State = 1, Retries = 1 where RunbookTaskId = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’




Komi Siabi is a Bilingual D365FO Solution architect who loves sharing his knowledge as he works on Both Francophone and Anglophone projects around the globe. He enjoys doing some tiktok videos in his leisure time.

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