Monsieur Winner

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Delete a Report from the D365 Finance Server for Debugging Purposes


While developing SSRS report in Visual studio, we make some changes and expect them to reflect after deploying. Sometime these changes do not reflect.

To resolve this, we can delete the report from the Report server in two ways :

  1. Using Report server web service URL
  2. Using Powershell script


Using Report server web service URL

Here are the steps.

Step 1: Activate the Web portal by launching the Report server configuration manager

Step 2: Click on the URL and you can access all reports directory on the server.

Step 3: Right click on your report and delete then redeploy.

Using PowerShell script

An alternative way is to run a script to delete the report from the server.

Step 1: Navigate to K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Plugins\AxReportVmRoleStartupTask (Note: You may need to replace K: with the location of the AosService folder)

Step 2: Find the file called “RemoveAllReportsFromSsrs

Step 3: Open the duplicated file and edit the report name section

open and edit report name section

Run powerShell script and redeploy the report in Visual Studio.

Merci :).


Komi Siabi is a Bilingual D365FO Solution architect who loves sharing his knowledge as he works on Both Francophone and Anglophone projects around the globe. He enjoys doing some tiktok videos in his leisure time.

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